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Congratulation of the Acting Rector on the Youth Day of Russia



Dear students, graduates and applicants of Dagestan State Medical University!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Youth Day!
The youth of Dagestan State Medical University are unique, talented, ambitious people.

Thanks to the best students, residents and postgraduates, young teachers and specialists, with the support of senior mentors, our university achieves high results in the educational, scientific, social, mass-cultural and sports spheres.
Every year we become winners of numerous projects, Olympiads, competitions, various competitions and festivals of the republican, all-Russian and international levels. We are the standard-bearers in the youth movement of our Republic and one of the leaders in the field of youth policy in Russia.

I thank all of you for your high achievements and great work for the benefit of our university! You are the foundation and guarantor of a stable future, actively participating in the life of the country, investing your time and effort in its improvement.

The management of the university, the teaching staff will always support your initiatives, the desire and desire to develop, to become the best in all spheres.
I wish you to firmly go to achieve your goals, strive for new successes. Learn, improve your knowledge! Good luck and success in all your endeavors, happiness, joy and love!

Acting Rector of DSMU

Mollaeva N.R.