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Congratulations of Acting Rector N. Mollayeva to the DSMU graduating students



Dear graduating students!

I congratulate you on one of the important and significant events in your life – graduation from Dagestan State Medical University, when you start your own path into the best and the noblest profession.

Your student days are over and this is one of the best periods of your life, which each of you will remember with warmth and gratitude. This is the Alma Mater where you have acquired the necessary knowledge about modern medicine, irreplaceable practical skills and learned to make decisions independently.

You can be proud of the fact that you have chosen such a difficult, but noble and vital profession for the whole world – to protect the life and health of people.  The events of this period, when hundreds of thousands of our doctors selflessly fought for the lives of patients in the context of the pandemic, showed the importance of your chosen profession, once again confirming the special place of the doctor in society.

I am sure that wherever you work, you will adequately represent your university and proudly bear the title of Dagestan State Medical University graduate.

I wish you to rise to eminence in your profession. And also I wish you happiness, well-being, health and all the best. Way to go!

Acting Rector of DSMU Naida Mollaeva