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Congratulations of Acting Rector V. Khanaliev on the Day of Russian Science



Dear employees and students! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Russian Science. Dagestan State Medical University has always paid and pays special attention to research activities, creating conditions for the development of the scientific potential of students and staff. Our university traditionally unites talented researchers, creators of scientific schools.

Students of our university are active in the Olympiad movement, scientific and practical conferences of various levels. We celebrate the brilliant achievements of our students in mastering fundamental disciplines. These victories were the result of the work of scientific and methodological schools of the university. For several years in a row, representatives of our university have become holders of grants from the Head of the Republic of Dagestan, winners of the UMNIK program and other scientific events.

I wish each of you health, further success, to all current and future figures of science – undying creative thought, and may all your ideas always find a way to development and implementation!


Sincerely, Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev