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Congratulations of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko on the Day of Russian Science



Dear scientists, researchers, postgraduates and everyone involved in the development of Russian science, contributing to its success!

On behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and on behalf of myself, I congratulate all of you on the Day of Russian Science!

This holiday which is celebrated on the day of the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Peter I has a rich history that emphasizes the importance of the development of the scientific industry for the development of the entire state.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of science in such a difficult time for the country and the whole world. In the general front of scientific research, the discoveries and achievements of medical science are critically important, helping to preserve the life and health of millions of citizens.

The last two years have shown how Russian scientists can quickly and effectively respond to challenges and help overcome threats caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The key results include the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine, modern medicines for the treatment of this disease, as well as developments in the field of rehabilitation. The research of our scientists does not stop in other fields, first of all, in oncology, cardiology, endocrinology and many others.

I would like to thank all Russian scientists for the contribution you make not only to the development of our country, but also to the whole world, for the millions of lives saved thanks to your discoveries and inventions.

I wish each of you further success in your noble work, new achievements, optimism, prosperity and good health!