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Dagestan State Medical University’s Commencement Day dedicated to the Day of Russian Science



Employees of Dagestan State Medical University, who devoted themselves to scientific and research activities and achieved significant results in 2023, gathered on February 9 in the assembly hall of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center.

Since 1999, Russia’s Annual Science Day has been held on February 8th, in accordance with a decree issued by the President of the Russian Federation on June 7th, 1999. The purpose of this celebration is to commemorate the role of Russian science in the development of the country and society, as well as to follow historical traditions. The event also celebrates the 275th anniversary of the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of this holiday is to honor and recognize individuals who have devoted their lives to the pursuit of scientific knowledge and research. It is an opportunity to recognize the contributions made by these individuals to the advancement of science in Russia.

DSMU is home to a diverse group of people who are actively engaged in scientific research. The university attracts scientists, professors, and students who share a passion for learning and contributing to the field of science. In today’s world, where technological advancements are transforming our lives, science has become an exciting and rewarding field for those who pursue it. At DSMU, researchers are given the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in groundbreaking research projects. The university provides a supportive environment for scientists to develop their ideas and become successful in their careers.

The event began with a speech from the Rector of the DSMU, Visampasha Khanaliev. He warmly welcomed the participants and noted that science is the main driver of progress and the most significant resource for the development of various spheres of activity. Visampashi Khanaliev emphasized that the research process requires a significant amount of effort, which would be challenging to complete without the meticulous and well-coordinated collaboration of the heads of various departments, teachers, and researchers at the university.

Our university is enhancing its material and technological infrastructure; scientific research is increasingly integrated into the curriculum, with grants, government programs, and regional projects contributing to this process. Students, faculty members, and graduate students actively participate in scientific endeavors. By adopting the knowledge and expertise of senior colleagues, they seek to develop their own potential, seek out new opportunities, and are unafraid to set high goals. As a result, their victories at various competitions are not surprising.

Recently, I was awarded by the Minister of Health of Russia, Mikhail Murashko, for my active participation in the international forum, “University Science and Innovations.” Our university submitted more applications from the North Caucasian Federal District than any other institution and was selected as the founding university of the “University Science Relay 2024.” These achievements are greatly appreciated, and I am confident that our efforts to improve the material and technological infrastructure, educational programs, and research activities are producing positive results. I will continue to pursue these goals,” stated the university’s leader.

I would like to extend my gratitude to all those involved in the selfless work on the unique projects aimed at enhancing the welfare of our country. I wish you all new ideas, scientific breakthroughs, and the full realization of your creative potential! Visampasha Khanaliev stated in his speech.

Then, the award ceremony commenced for the structural departments, faculty members, and staff members of the university who had achieved significant success in their research activities during 2023. Elena Arbulieva, head of the department for scientific, innovative, and organizational activities, and head of the infectious diseases department at the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists, read the award order.

Following the scientific portion of the conference, V. Khanaliev invited the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of DSMU, Ms. Naida Mollayeva, to present the report “The Direction of Scientific Development at DSMU”.

A number of interesting reports were presented at the conference:

“Digital Transformation of Medical Science and Higher Education” — Telman Vezirov (Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics and Medical Equipment, Director of the Institute of Electronic Medical Education);

“The Role of Polymorphic Variants of the Vitamin D Receptor Gene in the Development of Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” — Naira Omarova (Assistant Professor of the Department of Endocrinology, winner of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Event “Relay of University Science – 2024” in the field of “Clinical Research in Endocrinology”);

“The Role and Place of a Personalized Approach in the Effective and Safe Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” — Kamilla Akmurzaeva (Assistant Professor of the Department of Endocrinology, winner of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Event “University Science Relay – 2024” in the field of “Clinical Trials in Endocrinology”);

Scientific and educational project on oncology “The Power of Our Family” – Aykhanat Hajiyeva (6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, winner of the ASI competition under the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation).

The heroes of the meeting thanked the organizers of the event for their attention and promised to achieve even higher results on the path of science next year!

Dina Balgishieva
