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Donor and educational campaign “Save Life”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of DSMU and the World Bone Marrow Donor Day



 The Republican Blood Transfusion Station hosted “Save a Life” donation campaign, where anyone who wanted to donate blood could join the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors. The organizers of the action were the Volunteer Center together with employees of the Republican Blood Transfusion Station, Local Medical Volunteers of the Republic of Dagestan and  Dagestan regional Branch of the Red Cross on September 20.

A day earlier, on September 19, activists of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee held educational lectures for university students on the relevance of donation problems, during which students asked clarifying questions and discussed the criticality of the current situation. During the discussions on the shortage of donors, future doctors were reminded that anyone over the age of 18, with a body weight of more than 50 kilograms and no contraindications can become a voluntary donor. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and donate blood for HLA typing at the regional blood transfusion station located at 3 Ataev Street.

World Bone Marrow Donors Day is celebrated every third Saturday in September, starting in 2015. Bone marrow or stem cell transplantation is mainly required for patients with severe autoimmune, oncohematological diseases. And for many of them, this procedure is the only possible treatment. For a long time in our country there was no unified legislative framework, structured work for the development of this area.

But on September 1, 2022, the Federal Register of Bone Marrow and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors began functioning. The creation of this registry will increase the number of potential donors and thereby simplify their search for a particular patient. The more people sign up for the register, the more serious patients will receive hope and a chance for life. Therefore, increasing the register base is a top priority.

The purpose of the educational campaign is to express gratitude to donors all over the world, to draw public attention to the problems of donation.

The organizers of the action express their gratitude to all those who took part in this good deed and contributed to the blood donation reserves of the Republic of Dagestan.

Gasanova Azra (Trade Union Committee)

Isaeva Saniyat (Volunteer Center)