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Doors Open Day was held at DSMU




The traditional Open Day was held at Dagestan State Medical University on April 1, 2021. Students in grades 11, college students who plan to receive higher medical education, and their parents got acquainted with the student life of the university. This year, the university was visited by more than 600 schoolchildren and college students who are going to enter DSMU.

The traditional Open Day was held at Dagestan State Medical University on April 1, 2021. Students in grades 11, college students who plan to receive higher medical education, and their parents got acquainted with the student life of the university. This year, the university was visited by more than 600 schoolchildren and college students who are going to get into DSMU.

The schoolchildren and students were going to have an interesting tour around    educational and laboratory building: they visited the modern Anatomical Museum and the University History Museum; visited the DSMU Science and Education Innovation Center, got acquainted with the simulation technologies by which university students practice their practical skills. Volunteers accompanied guests to all buildings and floors of the university. Guests got acquainted with the work of the operators of the call center on issues of a new coronavirus infection, located on the basis of DSMU. Center employees told graduates in detail about their work.

Further, schoolchildren and college students visited a monument to the medical workers of Dagestan who died in the fight against the spread of a new coronavirus infection, located on the territory of Biokorpus University. Representatives of the student rescue squad of the DSMU “Snow Bars” presented to schoolchildren master classes in the provision of first aid.

And in the Assembly Hall of the university, high school students and college students of Dagestan got acquainted with the university authorities , the deans of all faculties who presented their presentations to them.

Vice-rector for academic work Jamila Omarova, vice-rector for strategic development of the university Rumi Atakhanov and vice-rector for public relations and social and educational work Elmira Abieva came to a meeting with graduates.

Jamila Omarova delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the rector of the DSMU Suleiman Mammaev. She spoke about the history of the university, about the people who stood at the origins of its formation and development, about the great path of the university from the beginning of work to the present day. “During its existence, our university has become the largest scientific and educational center not only in the North Caucasus, but also in Russia. Preserving our wonderful traditions, we are moving forward using the most modern and advanced technologies in the educational process, “said Omarova.