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DSMU activists took part in an environmental campaign




Today, an environmental  campaign was held in Makhachkala, which was attended by residents of the city, public organizations and associations, heads and employees of the city administration, sports schools and others. Activists of the Dagestan State Medical University also took part in the action.

Today, an environmental action was held in Makhachkala, which was attended by residents of the city, public organizations and associations, heads and employees of the city administration, sports schools and others. Activists of the Dagestan State Medical University also took part in the action.

The  Saturday voluntary work day was organized by the Committee for Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs on behalf of the head of the city of Makhachkala Salman Dadayev on the shore of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of the recreation complex “Belyi Medved”.

Almost 600 residents of Makhachkala cleared the shore of the Caspian Sea. Together with them, the chairman of the Committee for Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of Makhachkala, Marat Ibragimov, took part in the action. He greeted all the participants. “Today, sports schools and educational institutions of the city take part in the environmental campaign for cleaning the beach. It is very nice to see the activity of young people in cleaning. I wish everyone peace, well and prosperity” – M. Ibragimov addressed.

Representatives of public organizations and sports schools called for cleanliness. “Everyone has the same goal – to clear this area of garbage. We hope that the residents of the city will use our example to take more care and strive to maintain order regardless of the Saturday cleanups, ” they said.

Together, more than 700 bags of garbage were collected and removed from the shore of the Caspian Sea. Recall that this Saturday, April 11, the action “Clean Games – clean Caspian Sea” is planned in the Country beach “Oasis”. Everyone can participate and register a team. Registration link: http://cleangames.org/game/Caspiy2020


Dina Balgishieva