Электронная база тестовых заданий (ЭБТЗ)
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Межрегиональная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные...
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Выборы на замещение должностей по срочному трудовому договору
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III Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с...
Уважаемые коллеги! Приглашаем Вас принять участие в III-ей Всероссийской научно- практической конференции «Актуальные вопросы гематологии и...
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“DSMU employee took the first place at the “Relay of University Science-2021”
Mirza Murachuev an employee of the Department of Oncology of Dagestan State Medical University took the first place at the All-Russian scientific and practical event “Relay of University Science-2021”. He presented the work “Innovations in the treatment of true gynecomastia” which was recognized as the winner in the direction of “Clinical Research in the field of oncology”. The award ceremony was held at Sechenov University on February 8 as part of the international medical forum ” University Science. Innovation”.
The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko addressed the participants and guests of the forum with a greeting. Then Minister Mikhail Murashko and Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia, Rector of Sechenov University Peter Glybochko presented awards to the winners of the “Relay of University Science – 2021”.
The winners of the forum were also representatives of DSMU: Naira Omarova with the project “The relationship of polymorphic variants of the VDR gene that causes vitamin 25(OH) D deficiency and its impact on the development of cardiovascular risks in patients with type 2 diabetes among the population of the Republic of Moldova” (3rd place in the direction “Interdisciplinary biomedical research: personalized medicine»);
Zainab Hasanbekova with the project “Development of barrier and biocompatible nanofilms for use on surgical meshes” (3rd place in the direction “Applied scientific and technological developments in medicine and biomedicine: test systems, devices, equipment”); Roza Sultanova with the project ” Pre – and intraoperative navigation in laparoscopic aplatization of liver cysts. Computer program” (3rd place in the direction “Applied scientific and technological developments in the field of medicine and biomedicine: IT solutions”. It should be noted that this is not the first victory of young scientists of DSMU in such a significant event. Last year 7 representatives of DSMU became winners and prize-winners.
The “Relay of University Science” is a multi-stage project aimed at assisting in the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Medical Science in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the federal project “Development of scientific and scientific-industrial cooperation”.
The purpose of the event is to support leading research teams engaged in research activities in priority areas of medical science development and to stimulate fundamental and applied scientific research in medicine.
The Forum is a platform for summing up the interim results of the work of research teams from all over Russia for the previous year. This year it is held in a mixed format. At the site of the Sechenov University Congress Center ( Trubetskaya Str.8), the finalists were awarded (I-th places), a plenary session and studios for speakers were organized. These events and all other activities are also organized in online format.