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DSMU joined the Day of Unified Actions in memory of the Soviet people genocide during the Second World War




On April 19, the Department of Philosophy and History of the Dagestan State Medical University held a single lesson dedicated to the memory of the genocide victims of the Soviet people by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

The Day of Unified Actions is an all-Russian action initiated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The Day of Unified Actions includes simultaneous holding of thematic events in all educational organizations of Russia on April 19, 2021. The choice of the date of the lesson is due to the fact that on this day in 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR №39 “On penalties for German-fascist villains guilty of murder and torture of the Soviet civilian population and captured Red Army soldiers, for spies, traitors to the Motherland from among Soviet citizens and for their accomplices” was issued.

The main goal of the action is to preserve the historical truth about the crimes of the Nazis and their accomplices against peaceful Soviet citizens during the Second World War in the occupied territory.

The event consisted of two parts. The first part is a single lesson on a given topic, which was conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU Zarifa Rajabova. She revealed to the students the definition of the concepts of “genocide”, “Nazis”, drew their attention to the fact that the main semantic constructions of the concept of” genocide “were formulated during the Nuremberg Tribunal and were enshrined in the UN Convention in 1948.” April 19 is a special date in preserving the historical truth about the crimes of the Nazis. The war claimed the lives of 26.6 million people. Of these, 11,520,379 died as a result of punitive operations, cold, hunger, and bullying. The remaining 2,164,313 died in forced labor in exile. That is, they are victims not only of military actions, but also of the targeted extermination of civilians, including children,” Zarifa Radjabova stressed.

After the lecture, the students were offered to watch a video film “No time limit” about the crimes of the Nazis.

At the end of the viewing, a final conversation was held with the students. They were invited to give their assessment of the fascists crimes, to share their thoughts on the possible fate of our people and state in the event of the implementation of the Nazi plans to enslave the territory of the Soviet Union.