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DSMU participated in the round-table meeting on the subject of: « Medical science development in the Russian Federation. Legislative regulation»




On April 23, 2021, at 11:00 a.m., the State Duma Committee on Health Protection held a round table meeting on the subject of: “Development of medical science in the Russian Federation. Legislative regulation”. The main issues were key implementation activities of the Medical Science Development Strategy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, the development of a scientific and educational medical cluster, the experience of interaction between university and academic science, achievements and prospects of biomedical technologies, translational medicine, artificial intelligence, the development of grant support for scientific research, and the improvement of legislative and regulatory legal regulation of medical science in the Russian Federation.

The main speakers were: Morozov Dmitry Anatolyevich (State Duma), Semenova Tatyana Vladimirovna (Ministry of Health of Russia), Chekhov Vladimir Pavlovich (RAS), Sychev Dmitry Alekseevich (RMAPGD), Khlunov Alexander Vitalievich (RSF), Glybochko Peter Vitalievich (First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia).

The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Research Naida Mollayeva, Director of the Abusuyev Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Magomedrasul Atayev, Head of the SIOD Elena Arbuliyeva, Head of the Grants and Innovations Department Naida Abdullayeva and Head of the Intellectual Property Department Eimisey Huseynova.