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DSMU purchased an interactive anatomical complex Pirogov for the training of students



The administration of Dagestan State Medical University is constantly working to improve the quality of the training of students. Necessary equipment for the educational process, practical skills training, etc. is purchased for this purpose.

One of them was an interactive anatomical complex “Pirogov”, which was delivered to DSMU on Monday, 4 December. The anatomical desk was installed in the Morphological Building at the Department of Human Anatomy.

Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev and vice-rector on administrative and economic work Sirajitin Mutuev came to the Morphological Building to get acquainted with the new equipment and the process of work on it. The heads of the departments of human anatomy; operative surgery with topographical anatomy; nervous diseases, medical genetics and neurosurgery; forensic medicine and others and their staff were also present.

Anton Malkin, a representative of the manufacturing company, explained the principle of the desk’s operation and noted that the “Pirogov” interactive desk is a technological and simple tool for teaching 3D anatomy. “With the help of the interactive desk you can conduct digital dissection, study normal and topographic anatomy, pathologies and their comparison with the norm, talk about the main methods of functional diagnostics CT, ultrasound and MRI in an interactive format, use the database of anatomical scenes, etc. The interactive complex also provides an opportunity to quickly check the knowledge of students, test control. It can be used for group and practical classes, online training and can be connected to a laptop or multimedia system,” he said.

V. Khanaliev noted that the university is working hard to improve the quality of specialist training. ” All the necessary equipment for the organisation of quality educational process at the university is being purchased and will be purchased further. Everything is done for the development of our native university and, accordingly, to improve the quality of medical care provided to the population of the Republic of Dagestan. This is our priority,” the rector said.

He charged heads of departments to make active use of the new equipment to train students, noting that classes can be organised more interestingly and productively with it. ” One thing is when you just give them a lecture. And when they can see with their own eyes, see how a person is structured, what norm and pathology are, dissect right here, it will be much more interesting for them to study, and they will learn the material better. And this is the main thing for us,” said the rector.

Further, the representative of the company explained in detail the peculiarities of working with the interactive table to the staff of the departments, and noted that the manufacturer’s support service is always ready to help and answer all questions.