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DSMU Representatives took part in the republican club convocation  #WeAreTogether



At the initiative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, in connection with the introduction of new restrictions in the Republic of Dagestan caused by the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection in the republic on Tuesday, June 24, an urgent Republican Club convocation #WeAreTogether was held.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Youth Affairs of the RD Kamil Saidov, Deputy Minister Patimat Omarova, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the RD, the Committee on Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of Makhachkala, the Center for the Development and Support of Volunteer Initiatives (“Dobrotsentr”), VSM “Medical Volunteers”, representatives of universities of the republic and others. 

In his speech, the head of the Department for Work with students of DSMU Imanali Mustafayev told about the regular preventive work carried out at our university, answered the questions of those present and recalled the work of the vaccination point in the administrative building of the DSMU building. He also made a proposal to open a mobile vaccination point on the territory of the building on Kalinin for the duration of the admission campaign.

The head of the sector for the development of youth initiatives and student self-government of DSMU Milana Yunusova told about the vaccination project “PRO-vaccine”, implemented with the grant funds, the stages of its implementation and called on everyone to join the work of the Daggosmeduniversitet. 

The convocation also discussed issues on monitoring the needs of the elderly who are on self-isolation, the need to resume the work of the regional headquarters #WeAreTogether; assistance of medical volunteers in the “red” and “green” zones, call centers; strengthening of the information company on the vaccination of a new coronavirus infection. 

At the meeting was also discussed the possibility of participating in the International Award #WeAreTogether and grants of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of volunteerism.

Zainab Gazimagomedova, Youth Media Center Sector