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DSMU scientific developments were awarded silver medals at the XXIV Moscow International Salon “Archimedes-2021”




The XXIV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes-2021” has finished its work in Moscow. The Salon was attended by representatives of the inventive community from 19 states and 33 regions of the Russian Federation.

DSMU presented 2 patented developments, which were awarded with silver medals and diplomas of gratitude and respect for their active participation.

  • «Comprehensive treatment of macular edema in retinal vein occlusions» patent for invention № 2718847, inventors: head of the eye diseases department №2 with the advanced medical education Muslim Ismailov, assistant of the Department of Eye Diseases №2 Agmad Agmadov.
  • «Tool for extracting foreign ferromagnetic objects from wounds and body cavities» utility model patent № 203097, inventors: associate professor of operative surgery with topographic anatomy Gadzhimurad Patakhov, head of the department of operative surgery with topographic anatomy Magomed Akhmadudinov, senior lecturer
  • of the department of operative surgery with topographic anatomy Akhmadudin Akhmadudinov, Maksud Khalilov.

We congratulate the authors of the inventions on their just rewards and wish them further success!

DSMU Department of Intellectual Property