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DSMU Scientific Library continues its work on increasing the publication activity of the university’s researchers



In the scientific library the work on increase of publication activity of scientists of the university continues, which are held with the departments, according to the order of the rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev.

Within the framework of realisation of the Plan on increase of publication activity of scientists from 16.01.2024 till 27.02. 2024, there were regular classes, in which the teaching staff of the following departments took part: Histology, Normal Physiology, Infectious Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Clinical and General Pharmacology, Skin and Venereal Diseases, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy with advanced training of doctors with a course of ultrasound diagnostics, Oncology with advanced training of doctors, Medical Biology and General and Biological Chemistry, Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Narcology.

The result of publication activity of an author or a scientific team is reflected in the indicators of monitoring of scientific activity of the university. Data from the E-LIBRAY system RINTS, Web of Science, Scopus are used to analyse publication activity. Availability of demanded and cited publications gives qualitative and quantitative results of scientific work and a significant increase in the rating of the university. These include: the number of publications, the number of citations of the author’s works, which reflects the Hirsch index.

To carry out this work, the library staff at the classes covered such topics as: increasing the publication activity of university staff; publications of international level; compilation of bibliographic references and reference lists for scientific papers.

At the events, the scientific performance indicators of the present staff of the departments were analysed, extracts of publications with the list of articles published and entered into the RINTS system were issued for further analysis of the works not entered into the system. Authors not registered in RINTS and other scientific identification systems were registered.

Library staff on a regular basis conduct this work with author publications, attaching them to the organisation’s profile.

To promote the publication activity of the university staff it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

Ø to publish original articles of scientific and practical level;

Ø prepare high-quality abstracts to the articles;

Ø publish in co-authorship with a colleague who has high scientometric indicators in your field of research;

Ø increase the exchange of references with colleagues, also self-citation, only within reasonable limits;

Ø submit articles to journals recommended by the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission with a high level of Impact Factor indicators;

Ø publish in international scientific journals included in the list of Web of Science and Scopus databases;

Ø compile complete bibliographic information of the list of cited literature, complying with the requirements of GOST;

Ø the list should not contain irrelevant sources.

In this regard, we ask authors to promptly provide the library with recent publications and works not included in the database, as well as conference proceedings (to the Department of Electronic Resources).