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DSMU signed an agreement with the Dagestan branch of the Russian Red Cross



Rector of the Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev and Chairman of the Dagestan Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organisation “Russian Red Cross” Raisa Shakhsinova signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 23 January.

The agreement envisages cooperation in the implementation of humanitarian projects, development and joint implementation of programmes aimed at socially useful humanitarian assistance to improve the social situation of the population, support and assistance to participants of the special military operation and their relatives.

DSMU and Dagestan regional branch of “Russian Red Cross” plan to jointly implement projects on teaching first aid skills to the population, popularisation of voluntary blood and bone marrow donation, social assistance programmes for the population in need, implementation of activities within the framework of national projects “Health Care”, “Demography”, “Education” on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan.

Signing the agreement, the parties noted the many years of fruitful joint work between the university and the regional branch of the Russian Red Cross, including its activation during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, and also expressed hope that further cooperation will develop even more productively.