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DSMU students became winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian spelling test in English




Students of Dagestan State Medical University became winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian spelling test in English among students of higher education organizations and general education organizations of the Russian Federation. The spelling test was organized by Kazan Federal University.

In 2020, the spelling test brought together students from more than 79 regions of Russia, as well as from Sweden, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The spelling test was written by more than 22 thousand students, including about 100 students of DSMU.

The dictation is being held for the fifth year upon an initiative of the Institute of International Affairs together with the Department for Youth Policy, Social Affairs and Development of the System of Physical Culture and Sports Education of the KFU. The text of the dictation was prepared by teachers of the KFU Institute of International Affairs. The theme of the dictation was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The text was an excerpt from a front-line letter. The inspection of the works was carried out by a special commission of the participating universities, in KFU it was inspected by the verification commission of the Institute of International Affairs.

According to the results of the dictation, the best results were demonstrated by one hundred russian students, including 7 students of DSMU: Renata Ashikova, Elbrus Kurbanov, Khadizhat Mugutdinova, Jamila Rustamova, Zaripat Ukhumasultanova, Surkhay Khamaev, Mesedu Shakhbanova. The winners were 9 students of DSMU: Asmara Adamova, Rahimat Vagabova, Sabina Gadzhieva, Perziyat Gadzhikhanova, Zalina Zalbekova, Said Magomedov, Marziyat Magomedova, Asiyat Sarkarova, Fatima Suleymanova.