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DSMU students spoke at the international youth round table in the online format “We are different, but we are together»



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On Thursday, April 22, 2021, students of the Dagestan State Medical University took part in the international youth round table in the online format “We are different, but we are together” of the Xlll student Festival of Foreign Cultures 2021 of the FFS GrSMU as part of the Republican Foreign Students Festival of Creativity of Higher Education Institutions.

The conference was organized by the Faculty of Foreign Students of the Grodno Medical University (Belarus) with the support of the Department of International Relations of the DSMU within the framework of the project “Youth Dialogue of Cultures”.

The purpose of the online discussion of the round table was to create conditions for communication and exchange of experience of young people with representatives of other cultures, to create conditions for the implementation of projects in the field of intercultural communication and the exchange of experience and information about volunteer movements.

The Dean of the GrSMU Faculty of Foreign Students, Alexander Sinkov, welcomed all the participants of the round table and admitted that during the pandemic, he really lacked communication with foreign students. “We speak different languages, live in different countries, but we are united by the desire to share our experience and tell about ourselves and our culture. I am very happy to see today the graduates of previous years, postgraduates and students currently undergoing training,” he said.

On behalf of the DSMU, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine Asiyat Abakarova spoke at the round table, showing the participants a presentation on the topic “Volunteer movement of medical students of the DSMU”. Elmira Medzhidova, a 6th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine, head of the Volunteer Center of the DSMU, reported on volunteering in the Republic of Dagestan during the COVID-19 period. The speakers touched upon important topics and spoke about the role of foreign medical students during the coronavirus epidemic.

A presentation in English “Working with foreign students and international cooperation” was made by a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, Said Hajiyev, after which the participants were able to ask their questions.

Head of the Department of International Relations Sazhida Khadzhalieva told the participants that our university trains people from 28 different countries, and that the university supports their initiatives and helps them adapt to society.

After the presentations, other participants of the event spoke about the culture of their countries and the role of medicine in their lives. After the joint song in English, the round table “We are different, but we are together” came to an end, and the participants wished to spend every day of their lives with benefit.

Khadizhat Mammayeva, Youth Media Center Sector


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