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DSMU took part in the Youth sports and recreation festival “Be in good health”




On Wednesday, April 7, the All-Russian campaign “Be in good health!” was held at the Elena Isinbayeva Stadium, dedicated to the World Health Day. World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, since 1950. On this day in 1948, the Charter of the World Health Organization came into force.

This year, the event was a festival organized in the format of 5 central platforms-stations that reflect all aspects of a healthy lifestyle: physical activity, healthy nutrition, daily routine, mental health, rejection of bad habits. At the stations located around the perimeter of the event, various interactive events were held on the proposed topics.

The action was attended by students of Dagestan universities and colleges, including the Dagestan State Medical University. The event began with regional physical exercises, followed by the RLD fit test.

Then everyone had the opportunity to go through various energy points, where everyone could find out information about a particular direction of the volunteer movement “Medical Volunteers”: donation, sanitary and preventive, healthy lifestyle and others. And also watch master classes on first aid.

Then at the event, the Minister of Health Tatyana Belyaeva, the Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Sazhid Sazhidov, a member of the Committee on Health and Social Policy of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Moldova Zumrud Buchaeva made a welcoming speech.

Within the framework of the event, the Rector of the DSMU Suleiman Mamaev was awarded with the Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan. The award was presented by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova Tatyana Belyaeva to the Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work Elmira Abiyeva, who represented the university management at the event.

After that, each university was invited to present its performance as part of the concert program of the event. People’s Artist of the Republic of Dagestan Abdulla Fataliyev spoke on behalf of the DSMU.

The action ended with sports competitions and a mass race.

The festival “Be in good health!” was the last event in the framework of the week of healthy lifestyle, held with the aim of spreading information about a healthy lifestyle and involving as many people as possible in this movement. After all, healthy lifestyle is not just a great abbreviation, it is an installation for a long and healthy life!


Susanna Alibekova, Volunteer Center