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Educational modernized FOC  opened in DSMU



On Friday, November 20, at the Dagestan State Medical University, an educational modernized feldsher-obstetric center was opened. Working in it, students will master medical competencies in a real-life setting. This is a training workplace for a paramedic, nurse, midwife, fully corresponding to a typical medical institution existing in a village, but already digitalized, working with the use of modern computer information technologies.

“We propose such a trajectory for the modernization of  FOC  and rural medical outpatient clinics, which preserves the best that is available in standard FOC and organically builds in a computerized workstation for a medical assistant. As a result, a new structure will function at the FOC – a feldsher’s information center, which will allow monitoring many parameters of the population’s health remotely,” said at the opening rector of   DSMU Suleiman Mammaev.

It was noted that FIC is an automated workstation of a medical assistant’s point in the form of a single information center for quick access to all vital parameters of patients both within a medical institution and at the level of a municipality (district, city, village) in real time. The Paramedic Information Center is a collection of specialized devices for reading, processing and storing data, united into a single ecosystem with a friendly user interface.

During the event, different formats of the FIC’s work were demonstrated, both within one medical center and within a settlement. The main elements of the FIC system: client (patient) part – specialized bracelets with various wireless communication modules (depending on the scaling of the system, the bracelet can be connected to the server part using a smartphone through the base stations of the telecom operator); server – a specialized computer for deploying database and processing “big data”; terminal – stationary or mobile computer with special software for patient monitoring.