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Educational seminar on the topic “The practice of information protection of students on the Internet”
An educational seminar was held in the framework of the projects “Peaceful Dagestan” and “Internet safety” on the issue “The practice of information protection of students on the Internet” on November 18, 2022.
The event was attended by Acting Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work Elmira Abieva, Assistant of Vice-Rector Bilal Pirmagomedov. The guest of the seminar was the consultant of the Department of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral Education of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Shevket Krumov.
During the conversation an employee of the Ministry of Youth Sh . Krumov told the students about the role of the Internet in everyday life, questions about the reliability of information received in social networks, urged them to turn to trusted sources, as well as to competent specialists, experts in case of questions.
The students were given recommendations on the observance of digital reputation and that provocative or controversial materials, hostility between people could cause conflicts should not be posted. The students were also informed about criminal liability for offenses both in virtual space and in real life.
The students did not remain indifferent to the topic of the information hour, they actively asked questions, shared their impressions.
At the end of the meeting, E. Abieva thanked the guest on behalf of the university administration for a meaningful conversation, stressed that joint work with the Ministry of Youth Affairs of Dagestan Republic in this direction will be continued.
It should be noted that the event was held pursuant to paragraph 20 of the State Program of Dagestan Republic “Comprehensive program for countering the ideology of terrorism in the Republic of Dagestan”.