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Employees of Dagestan State Medical University and students of the Faculty of Dentistry visited the exhibition “Ukraine. On the fractures of epochs”



Employees of Dagestan State Medical University and students of the Faculty of Dentistry took part in the multimedia exhibition “Ukraine. At the turning points of epochs”, dedicated to Russian–Ukrainian relations.

The exposition was prepared by the Patriarchal Council for Culture and the Foundation for Humanitarian Projects with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the XIX Church-public exhibition – forum “Orthodox Russia – for the Day of National Unity”.

The initiator of the visit to this exhibition was the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Tagir Abakarov together with the head of the Department for work with students Imanali Mustafaev.

Also, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Ilyas Shamov, Head of the Sector for the development of youth initiatives and student self-governments Milana Yunusova, Head of the Sector of the youth media center Karina Mutaeva, youth specialist Magomed Gasanov, clerks Madina Akhmedziyautdinova and Asiyat Abakarova, Chairman of the Student Sector Yulduz Zakayeva, photographer of the media Center of Youth Sector Ismail Eskendarov took part in this exhibition.

Before the tour, the staff and students were greeted by the head of the historical park “Russia – My History” Timur Velikhanov. “Many materials of the exposition have been digitized and shown for the first time. Modern multimedia technologies are also used here: kinects, projections, interactive panels,” he said.

The exhibition hall presented facts about the history of relations between Russia and Ukraine from ancient times to the present day which clearly tell about the origins of current events. Ten thematic halls of the exposition cover a large historical period from the foundation of the Ancient Russian state to modern events. Along with unique photographs, videos and newsreels, the exhibition presents maps, posters and numerous archival documents.

The tour of the historical park was conducted by lecturer Kayaev Mikdad. The staff of Dagestan  State Medical University and students of the Faculty of Dentistry were told the history of Novorossiya and told about the origin of the word “Ukraine”, about countless attempts to divide the Slavic world in different historical periods. The guys listened with great interest, delved into the details and asked questions.

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Tagir Abakarov shared his impressions of the exhibition: “A very good, timely exhibition that shows how the history of Ukraine has changed and what events have affected it. DSMU students took part with great pleasure, thank you very much!”

Further, the head of the Department for Work with Students, Imanali Mustafayev, addressed the students: “The history of our country is of great importance, every student is obliged to visit the exhibition in order to know the history as it really is.”

At the end of the tour, the students expressed their gratitude to the head of the Historical Park “Russia is my History” Timur Velikhanov for the opportunity to learn the stages of development of Russian–Ukrainian relations and to feel the relevance of the events experienced by the country.