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First Aid Training from DSMU Medical Volunteers



On Wednesday, March 10, medical volunteers of the Dagestan State Medical University held training on providing first aid at gymnasium № 13.

The training was organized for students of the 5th grade. First of all, volunteers talked about the algorithm for acting in emergency situations – how to behave in an emergency and overcome the primary shock in order to protect themselves and others. It was explained that properly provided first aid reduces the time of special treatment, contributes to the fastest healing of wounds and is often a decisive factor in saving the life of the injured.

Then they devoted time to the practical part and taught school students of the algorithm of providing first aid for burns, wounds, fainting, bleeding, frostbite and convulsions. The most common emergencies were worked out on students in conditions close to real ones. Further, activists familiarized children with errors that are often allowed in the provision of assistance. The whole event was accompanied by questions from school students, to which volunteers gave detailed answers.

It is important to know that in addition to sustainability, first aid education for children develops their psychosocial abilities, which are necessary for healthy development and becoming responsible citizens in the future.

Asiyat Magdilova, Volunteer Center