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Four students of DSMU became the winners of the program “UMNIK”
Four students of the Dagestan State Medical University became the winners of the “UMNIK” program. The lists of projects submitted for funding under the UMNIK program for 500,000 rubles were approved on April 6, 2021 by the protocol of the Directorate of the Fund for the Promotion of Innovations, taking into account the recommendation of the competition commission of the Fund.
In the second half of 2020, 28 applications were submitted from the university for participation in the program “UMNIK” (Makhachkala, DSTU; Moscow “VEK-21”). Four students of the Dagestan State Medical University became the winners of the “SMART GUY” program. The lists of projects submitted for funding under the UMNIK program for 500,000 rubles were approved on April 6, 2021 by the protocol of the Directorate of the Fund for the Promotion of Innovations, taking into account the recommendation of the competition commission of the Fund.
In the second half of 2020, 28 entries were submitted from the university for participation in the program “UMNIK” (Makhachkala, DSTU; Moscow “VEK-21”). 21 projects made it to the final for Moscow, for RD it’s only 6 projects.
According to the results of the competition, the winners of the “UMNIK” program for 2020 were students of the Medical Faculty of DSMU: Zaripat Asadulayeva, Zarina Kuhmazova, Arslan Tatamov and a student of the Dental Faculty of DSMU Murad Medzhidov, who presented the following projects:
– Development of respirators and surgical masks with nanocoatings as the most effective means of antibacterial and antiviral protection of the population;
– Development of functionalized filters for ventilators and other air-purifying devices with high antibacterial activity;
– Development of water disinfection technology using titanium dioxide;
– Development of a modified dental abrasive wheel and a diamond separation disc with nanocoating.