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Healthy Village project



Thanks to the Healthy Village project, which is being implemented in the republic on the initiative of Zagir Agamov, a 2002 graduate of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, more than 4 thousand residents from remote and hard-to-reach settlements of Dagestan were able to receive medical care. About 100 of the surveyed were able to receive high-tech medical care.

Zagir Agamov is a candidate of medical Sciences, a researcher at N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, a urologist at the city polyclinic No. 115 in Moscow.

The idea of the project was born in September 2020. Since the beginning of the project, doctors from Moscow, federal and republican clinics have already visited 7 remote districts of Dagestan to conduct examinations of the population and further assistance – performing operations and so on. “We have about 4 thousand patients examined, more than 100 of them received high-tech medical care within the framework of the project,” Z. Agamov said.

Z. Agamov said that it was not difficult to attract colleagues to the implementation of the project: many of his Moscow colleagues responded to the request to go to the southern region, as a result of which it was possible to bring highly qualified specialists to the republic – doctors of various specialties working in various city and federal institutions of Moscow. About 30 volunteer doctors of various profiles are currently involved in the implementation of the project: surgeons, therapists, cardiologists and many others. The treatment of patients is carried out within the quotas intended for those in need of high-tech medical care, for medical reasons.

According to Z. Agamov, the implementation of the Healthy Village project will reduce the rates of disability and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases of the population of remote rural areas of the region. In parallel, such tasks as medical examination of the rural population of high-altitude and hard-to-

reach areas, exchange of experience between local specialists and doctors of leading federal clinics, assistance in obtaining high-tech medical care for the rural population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle are being solved. In addition, the data obtained during the surveys will be used for sociological research in the field of health care and the effectiveness of the provision of medical care in rural areas.