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II Republican Conference “Actual Problems of Population Health and Practical Healthcare” was held in DSMU



II Republican with All-Russian participation scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of public health and practical healthcare” was held on April 26 in the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of DSMU.

Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev addressed the participants of the conference with a welcoming speech. “The relevance of the conference topic is not doubted by anyone.

Preservation of people’s health, improvement of demographic situation are under close attention of the state. Today’s conference will discuss very important issues of demography, organization of health care system, preventive activities, medical rehabilitation, medical education and many other issues related to health care and its organization.

Such platforms are needed in order to choose common approaches in solving important tasks facing the national healthcare. I am confident that today’s conference will serve for further improvement and development of healthcare in the Russian Federation as a whole,” Khanaliev said in his speech and wished the conference fruitful work and creative success and health to all participants.

Tatyana Belyaeva, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, also addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. “Today a health care organizer is not just a specialist doctor with this or that specialty. Today a health care organizer is an economist, a lawyer, a doctor and, above all, a person who knows both physical and economic aspects; this will allow any medical institution to remain a flagship and try to provide quality medical care. Today our task is to create conditions for doctors’ work and for quality medical care to the population,” said Tatyana Belyaeva. She wished the conference fruitful work, and wished those young specialists who plan to become health care organizers to emphasize the importance of this post.

Visampasha Khanaliev read out welcoming addresses from: Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Public Health and Public Health named after Academician Y.P. Lisitsyn IPM Valentina Polunina; Head of the Educational Department of Public Health and Public Health of Yevdokimov Moscow State Medical University Mikhail Navarkin.

Nelly Naygovzina, Deputy Head of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Care at the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical University, took part in the conference in online mode.

The conference was also attended by: Guzel Ulumbekova – Rector of the Higher School of Health Care Organization and Management; President of the publishing group “GEOTAR-Media”; Gennady Untilov – Head of the Department of Medical Statistics of the A.V. Vishnevsky Republican Clinical Hospital.

The plenary part of the meeting was opened by Guzel Ulumbekova with the report “Analysis of demographic indicators, health indicators of the population and the state of health care in the Republic of Dagestan”.

Then a number of reports on topical topics were presented: “Medical and demographic analysis. State and prospects (on materials of the Republic of Dagestan) – Luiza Askhabova – Head of the Department of Public Health and Public Health Care FPC PPS DSMU; “The role of the Institute of Additional Professional Education in the system of postgraduate training and retraining of highly qualified doctors” – Rafik Butaev – Director of IDPE DSMU, Professor of the Department of Public Health and Public Health Care FPC PPS DSMU; “Comparative analysis of demographic changes in the Republic of Dagestan, North Caucasian Federal District and in the Russian Federation” – Raisa Shakhsinova – Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Public Health Care, acting dean of the faculty of training of personnel. Acting Dean of the Faculty of Higher Professional Training of DSMU; “On the issue of mortality of the elderly and old age population of the Republic of Dagestan” – Raisa Shakhsinova – Gennady Untilov and many other reports.

Press-service of DSMU