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Information campaign on vaccination against COVID-19



On the territory and in the buildings of the Dagestan State Medical University, activists of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee held an action to inform employees and students on vaccination issues.

During the action, information leaflets about the Gam-Kovid-Vak vaccine were hung. Information on standardized rules for vaccination against COVID-19 is taken from the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In addition, activists answered questions from concerned students, told them in detail about the merits of vaccination and its contraindications, where it can be done, since vaccination of the population plays an important role in stabilizing the epidemiological situation. To date, more than 19 thousand people in the Republic of Dagestan have already been vaccinated against coronavirus.

It is possible to stop the spread of the epidemic only by joint efforts and for this it is necessary to develop herd immunity, and in this everyone can contribute to the salvation of mankind.

We remind you that all employees, teaching staff and students of DSMU who want to undergo a free vaccination procedure can apply by number: +7 (928) 225-00-02 (Dina)

Khadizhat Ammaeva