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International Youth Day was celebrated at the DSMU
International Youth Day was celebrated at the Dagestan State Medical University. This day has been commemorated annually on 12 August since the endorsement of the recommendations of the World Conference of Ministers for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) in its resolution 54/120 of 17 December 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly. This date is a vivid reminder of the importance of the role of youth in society and it is an optimistic occasion to express many sincere wishes to the young generation. The day is also intended to remind about the role of young people in the development and building of peace and the everyday problems that stand in their way.
On Thursday, August 12, a meeting was held with the acting Vice-Rector for Social Work and Public Relations Elmira Abieva, Vice-Rector’s assistant Albert Alimetov, Head of the Foreign Citizens’s Adaptation Department of the National Policy and Religions Ministry Khasaybat Valieva and employees of the DSMU International Relations Department with foreign students studying at the university.
The meeting took place in a friendly and warm atmosphere. Students willingly shared stories about how this day is celebrated in their countries. During the meeting, questions were also raised about the further development of the university students.
At the end of the event, representatives of the university leadership wished the students success in their studies, good health and expressed their readiness to solve everyday problems and help in implementing the ideas of young people.