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Intramural intellectual tournament “Brain-ring”
On April 7-8, 2021, the intramural intellectual tournament “Brain-ring”was held in the Biological Building of the Dagestan State Medical University. The event was organized by the Youth Affairs Committee.
For two days, there was a serious struggle between the teams. Each of them tried to show their high level of intelligence, so it was not an easy task for the jury to evaluate the participants and choose the winners.
The participants were strictly selected, only the most intelligent and erudite were allowed to compete. The following teams competed for the title of the best: “6 Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, “Slice of Life”, “Locomotive”, “Interferons”, “Kombucha”, “First Place”, “Non nocere”, as well as the team “Disgusting Six”.
Such games train your memory, develop thinking and dexterity, expand your horizons, and also teach you to work in a team and improve your communication skills.
In the intellectual battle, the members of all eight participating teams fought, very diligently and intently thinking about the questions of the host. At the end of the first day, only 4 teams that showed their best performance made it to the final.
According to the results of the game, the third place was awarded to the team “Non nocere”. The second place rightfully went to the participants of the team “Disgusting Six”. The team “6 Horsemen of the Apocalypse” took the first place and won the victory.
Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs Bilal Pirmagomedov awarded the winners with diplomas and valuable prizes, and also thanked everyone for their participation and wished them further success in the intellectual sphere.
Muminat Akhmedova, Youth Affairs Committee