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Intramural talent contest “Minute of Glory”




On May 17, 2021, the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University hosted one of the most grandiose and unforgettable events of the spring — the intramural talent contest “Minute of Glory”, organized by the Committee for Youth Affairs.

The event included 4 categories, in each of which the participants were able to demonstrate their abilities, talents, express all their feelings and emotions in dance, song, and expressive reading of poems.

And in order to objectively evaluate the contestants and choose 4 winners, the following were invited: Vice-rector for Public Relations and social and educational work Elmira Abieva, head of the Culture Center of DSMU Natalia Zalieva, famous photographer and videographer Kim Mamatov, member of the CFI team “National Team of Dagestan”, famous presenter Arsen Luguyev, children’s choreographer of the modern dance studio Pro dance Karina Ramazanova, Dagestani pop star, singer Zhaklina Shakhpazova, singer and toastmaster Omar Omarov, as well as the deputy chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs for Organizational Work Nadia Akavova.

The audience watched the performances presented on the stage with great interest. The participants gave their best, charging the whole hall with only positive energy. All the participants were undoubtedly good, but the following ones stood out and won prizes: Malikat Magomedgadzhieva-instrumental genre, Amina Khalidova-vocal genre, Patimat Magomedova-artistic word and Zagrat Magomedova — choreographic genre.

The Youth Affairs Committee expresses its deep gratitude to all the members of the jury, as well as to all the participants and the audience for finding the time to attend our event. We congratulate the winners on winning places and wish them further success in all their endeavors.

Angela Mirzabekova, Youth Affairs Committee