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Joint meeting of the SSC of the Departments of Normal Physiology and Pharmacology
A joint meeting of the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Normal Physiology and Pharmacology was held on December 3, 2022 . On the agenda: immunity, its pathologies and tactics of pharmaceutical therapy.
The meeting was opened by the acting rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev, who said parting words to the children and also drew attention to the importance of the existence of student scientific circles.
Then the acting Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology Razin Ragimov spoke. Also, the floor was given to the scientific director of SSC for normal physiology, Associate Professor of the department Naida Abdullaeva, who thanked the present for the time allocated to attend this event.
In addition, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Department of Pharmacology: Associate Professor, scientific supervisor of SSC on Pharmacology Svetlana Kharkharova; Associate Professor Rabiyat Magomedova; Associate Professor Hapisat Nasrulayeva.
The first report “Immunity” was prepared by a 3rd-year student of the medical faculty Valikiz Medzhidova. The issue of the report was devoted: what is immunity, its anatomy and physiology and what are immunocompetent cells.
Next, a 6th-year student, the head of the SSC for normal physiology Patimat Magomedova made a report on “Autoimmunity”. The speaker revealed the mechanisms of auto-tolerance and the principles of the occurrence of autoimmune diseases.
After that, a 3rd–year student of the Faculty of Medicine Naida Iminova, made a report “My immunity is my enemy”, in which the main topic was the cytokine storm, as well as its clinic.
The fourth report was prepared by the head of the pharmacology circle, 4th year student Arslanbek Chizhikov with the topic “Monoclonal antibodies”.
Then Shamil Akhmedov, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine, made a report on “Glucocorticoids”. The entire physiology and pharmacology of the drugs of this group was revealed.
The meeting was concluded by Svetlana Zakharova, who emphasized the relevance of this topic, as well as highlighted other significant drugs that were not covered during the reports.