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Lecture for students of DSMU in the framework of the All-Russian Unified lesson “Human Rights”



Within the framework of the International Human Rights Day and the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, a unified lesson “Human Rights” was held in all educational organizations of the Russian Federation. Dagestan State Medical University did not stand aside either. A lecture in the form of a presentation for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry was organized at the Department of Humanities. The lecture was devoted to the topic “Protection of human and civil rights and freedoms: accessible knowledge for all”.

At the suggestion of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation included a thematic lesson “Human Rights Day” in the calendar of educational events in 2017. The lesson is held annually in educational institutions of general, secondary vocational education and in higher educational institutions.

The purpose of the All-Russian unified lesson “Human Rights” is the formation of a legal culture of students in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation of legal and non-legal profile, the promotion of humanistic ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the Russian Federation in educational organizations, the education of free active citizens who are aware of their rights and mechanisms for their protection.