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Mayor of Makhachkala Yusup Umavov met with representatives of Student Youth
The Mayor of Makhachkala, Mr. Yusup Umavov, hosted a formal event in the city administration building to commemorate the Day of the Russian Student on January 26, 2024. The event included an award ceremony honoring representatives from the student community, and discussions on issues related to education, career, and the city’s future. During the event, Mr. Umavov addressed the topic of Makhachkala’s development plans, highlighting the opportunities available for young people in the city. He also shared his personal experiences from his student days, providing insights into the challenges and rewards that come with pursuing a career. The event was a commemoration of the day’s significance, and provided an opportunity for dialogue and exchange of ideas among key stakeholders in the field of education and career development.
Excellent education students who have achieved outstanding performance in education, science, cultural and sports activities gathered in the meeting room of the administration.
On this day, we extend our congratulations to all students on their academic, scientific, athletic, and artistic achievements. It is in large part due to the hard work and dedication of their teachers, who, through their unwavering commitment, have helped to develop the best in each of them. These professionals have laid the groundwork for personal growth, ideological development, and professional achievement.
Based on experience, tradition, and knowledge, our young people go further and achieve greater heights. This is the essence of social progress and the development of science and technology. From my personal experience, I would like to emphasize that education is the most significant key to success in life. It is the foundation on which an individual is shaped as a citizen and his or her professional and social standing is established. On this wonderful occasion, I extend my congratulations to all students, teachers, and staff members at universities and colleges. I wish you all heartfelt joy from your studies and work and creative and professional triumphs.
The rectors of the leading Dagestani universities welcomed the students and wished them to be an example in all areas and represent the republic throughout the country.
Also, letters of thanks were awarded to students of Dagestan State Medical University:
1. Zarina Kukhmazova is a 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, an activist of the Student Research Club “PhysioLand” of DSMU
2. Jamila Rustamova is a 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, Chairman of the Student Scientific Society of DSMU, an activist of many circles, as well as a member of the DSMU team in surgery «Corde puro»
The meeting ended with a common photo.