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Medical students and staff of DSMU made a vaccine against COVID-19



More than 10 medical students and employees of the Dagestan State Medical University were vaccinated against COVID-19. Representatives of  DSMU showed the residents of the republic by personal example that vaccination is necessary for those who have no contraindications. It is there that we will be able to contain the further spread of the infection and quickly return to a normal rhythm of life.

Recall that on February 11 the staff and medical students of DSMU passed a preliminary examination before the vaccination procedure. A visiting team of medical personnel of the Ministry of   Health of the Republic of Dagestan arrived at DSMU polyclinic. In preparation for vaccination for students and staff conducted laboratory tests for the presence of immunoglobulin G and M.

On February 18, the volunteers underwent a mandatory medical examination before vaccination in the Geriatric Center of Makhachkala,. They measured their body temperature, saturation, and blood pressure, and collected an epidemiological history.

According to words of head of the department for working with students Imanali Mustafaev those who have no contraindications and no antibodies are vaccinated. All vaccinated people feel well at the moment. “The Russian vaccine has passed clinical trials so we can judge its high effectiveness and safety. The health status of students and employees who have been vaccinated is monitored and data on their  condition of health and reaction to vaccination are noted,”- Mustafaev said.

“I decided to make a vaccine in order to protect not only myself but first all my elders and relatives,-” said a medical student and operator of the call center Asiyat Abakarova.