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Meeting of the Acting Rector of DSMU with the heads of structural divisions of the university




On Thursday, December 23, the meeting of the acting rector of  DSMU Visampashi Khanaliev with vice-rectors, deans of faculties and their assistants, heads of departments, heads of structural divisions of the university took place. The meeting was attended by Acting Minister of Health of  Dagestan Republic Tatiana Belyaeva.      

Opening the meeting, V. Khanaliyev noted that the university should work as a single well-coordinated mechanism. “Our university has a wonderful history and rich traditions. The professors of Dagestan Medical Institute were known far beyond the borders of our republic. The institute itself was among the top five in the country. Our goal is to return the university to its status and greatness, to raise the training of specialists to a new level. After all, our main task is to train highly qualified doctors,” the acting rector said.

In his speech, he outlined the main tasks of the university staff for the coming period, voiced his vision of the work and called on everyone present to make their suggestions, which will be carefully studied and taken into account.

Tatiana Belyaeva, for her part, assured that the Ministry of Health of the Republic of  Dagestan will provide the University with every assistance in improving the quality of the educational process.

During the event, everyone present asked V. Khanaliev questions of interest to him, to which exhaustive answers were received.