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Meeting of the DSMU rector with students-winners and prize-winners of the Collegiate athletics festival




On Wednesday, April 14, the rector of Dagestan State Medical University, Suleiman Mammaev, met with students-winners and prize-winners of the Collegiate athletics festival. The event was held in Makhachkala, at the stadium named after E. Isinbayeva from 1 to 4 April. The meeting was also attended by vice-rectors Rumi Atakhanov and Elmira Abieva, head of the teaching department of physical education and sports Medicine Gamzat Magomedov, head of the sports club Zakir Zapirov.

Opening the meeting, the rector once again congratulated the students and their coaches on their victory and noted that the university has always been famous not only for its graduates-doctors, but also athletes. “It is very gratifying that you continue these glorious traditions. After all, by your example, you promote a healthy lifestyle, which you will have to encourage your patients to do in the future. Young doctors should be active not only in their studies, but also in other areas, and be versatile individuals. The management of the university, for its part, does everything possible to create the most comfortable conditions for both study and extracurricular activities, a health-saving environment for our employees and students,” S. Mammaev said.

The students, for their part, also expressed gratitude to the university authorities in the person of Rector Suleiman Mamaev for the comprehensive support and creation of conditions for physical education and sports. One of the athletes proposed to create a student football league of the university, the games of which will determine the strongest players for the national team of the university. The rector supported this idea and instructed the head of the sports club to deal with this issue.