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Meeting on anti-terrorist security in videoconference mode




A videoconference meeting was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Andrey Plutnitsky on problematic issues of implementing the decisions of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, as well as the implementation of the instructions of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation M.A. Murashko by the heads of institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2022.

 Dagestan State Medical University took part in videoconference mode led by Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev. The participation of DSMU was attended by assistants and advisers of the rector, vice-rectors of the university, the head of the security department.

  1. Plutnitsky drew the attention of the meeting participants to the need for strict control over the implementation of the requirements for the anti-terrorist protection of the facilities of the entrusted institutions in accordance with their categorization, training of personnel and students to act in emergency situations.

    After the end of the videoconference, V. Khanaliev also stressed the importance of a serious approach to the work on the anti-terrorist protection of university facilities, since the life and health of students and university staff depends on it. Following the meeting, the Acting rector was given instructions to the responsible persons.