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Meeting with the main freelance specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan



The Rector of the Dagestan State Medical University, Visampasha Kamaliev, held a meeting with staff members of the university, who are the primary freelance specialists of the Ministry of Health in the Republic of Dagestan, on Wednesday, February 7th. The Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, Magomed Khamidov, and the Head of the Department for the Organization of Medical Care, Muslimat Hasanova, also attended the meeting.

  1. Khanaliev stressed the need to activate and enhance the provision of organizational and methodological support and consultation assistance to medical institutions in the Republic in order to improve the quality of health care for the population. To this end, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (DSMU) together with the Ministry of Health will organize visits by medical teams to various cities and regions of the country. The main freelance specialists in this field are the leaders of this work, as the rector pointed out, and encouraged them to actively engage in this process.

Then Magomed Khamidov spoke, who reminded those present about the tasks and rights of chief specialists, spoke about how to raise the status of chief specialists, as well as about the reports that they must submit.

At the end of the event, those present were able to ask the presidium questions of interest to them, to which they received comprehensive answers.