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Meeting with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan
A meeting was held at the Dagestan State Medical University under the chairmanship of Acting Rector Naida Mollayeva and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Tatyana Belyaeva on Monday, July 5. It concerned the assistance that the DSMU can provide to the practical health care of the republic in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. The meeting was attended by vice-rectors of DSMU, heads of departments, heads of structural divisions, chief doctors of medical institutions.
It was noted that assistance is required in three areas: work in vaccination centers, work in hospitals, and propaganda work with the population.
- Mollaeva stressed that the university is ready to assist in all these areas. “We already have experience in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and we are ready to help the practical health care of the republic,” she said.
- Belyaeva, in turn, noted that the situation with the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the republic is extremely tense. “On Friday, we had 387 hospitalizations with suspected coronavirus infection and community-acquired pneumonia. There has not been such a figure since January of this year. Therefore, we have additionally redesigned hospitals to provide assistance to patients. Today, in addition to the two main hospitals – Republican Center for Medical Prevention and SCH № 1 of Makhachkala, the Republican Clinical Hospital, the Republican Clinical Hospital № 2, the Republican Ophthalmological Hospital, and the hospital of the Novolaksky district are involved in providing assistance. The city hospital № 3 is ready,” the minister said.
She announced in detail the directions and medical institutions in which the help of the teaching staff and students of the DSMU is needed.
The chief doctor of the State Medical Center № 1 Gadzhimurad Malayev, the chief doctor of the RCID Ravganiyat Mirzayeva, heads of departments of the DSMU Kubatai Masuev, Anvar Abusuev, Lala Ulukhanova, director of the Medical College of the DSMU Magomed Magomayev, head of the Department for work with students Imanali Mustafayev made their suggestions and thoughts on the organization of this work.
The issue of opening a vaccination center in the building of the DSMU dormitory on Pervomayskaya Street was also raised. Acting Vice-Rector for Economics and Administrative Work Siyadat Idrisova reported that the office is ready and the vaccination center can start its work next week.
Following the meeting, it was decided that the DSMU will submit to the ministry a detailed list of employees and students who are ready to work in the fight against the spread of a new coronavirus infection. And only then will the issue of their distribution to medical institutions in Dagestan be resolved.
DSMU Press Service