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“Mind Games” were held at DSMU




    Activists of the research and design Department of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee held an intellectual event “Mind Games” in lecture hall No. 3 of the Biological Building of Dagestan State Medical University  on October 29.

    The members of the jury of the “Mind Games” were the head of the Sector for the Development of Youth Initiatives and Student self-governments Milana Yunusova, the deputy head of SC of the Defense Industry for General Issues Ahmed  Gasanov and the head of the organizational Department Indira Zakariyaeva.

    The event consisted of 5 stages. At each stage, the participants had to answer questions presented in a different format. So, at the first stage, the guys were asked questions from history. On the next one, it was necessary to name a famous person, recognizing him by his portrait. And it was necessary to answer all questions for a certain period of time at the third stage. Points were credited depending on the received hints for the answer at the fourth stage. And the last stage was a competition for team captains.

      According to the results of the scoring the Ist  place was taken by team “Monopolists”; the II nd  place by  team “Armature, forward!” and the IIIrd place by   “Self-taught” team.

       All participants received a lot of positive emotions, and the teams demonstrated their best side in intellectual terms, showing the ability to think deeply and have a broad outlook. All winners were awarded prizes.

      It is worth mentioning that the activists of the scientific and design department regularly hold events aimed at developing mental skills, reverse and logical thinking, creativity, imagination and constructive skills.