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Moscow hosted the first face-to-face meeting of regional clubs #WEARETOGETHER



In March 2021, an event was held in Moscow dedicated to the anniversary of the volunteer movement to assist in the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 as part of the  action. The event was attended by representatives of volunteer headquarters from 85 regions of Russia. This meeting was attended by the regional coordinator of the All-Russian public movement “Medical Volunteers” in the Republic of Dagestan, student of DSMU Abuzagir Ibragimov.

During the meeting, the participants discussed post-pandemic initiatives, projects of the participants of #WEARETOGETHER, exchanged experience gained during this time, and also shared the most successful cases of work, developed a development strategy for 2021 and attended a master class on community building using the example of the Elbrus club.

“The action #WEARETOGETHER formed a trend for good and, despite all the difficulties, gave us many bright stories of mutual assistance. It is important for us to preserve all the good traditions and strong interactions that formed during the pandemic and continue to give the good and help those who need it, “Maria Yakunchikova, deputy chairman of ARPM  Medical Volunteers, addressed the participants.

It is to be recalled that on March 21 last year, in connection with the spread of a new coronavirus infection, the All-Russian Mutual Assistance Action #WEARETOGETHER was launched. More than 186,298 volunteers joined the action, who throughout the year delivered food to the elderly, helped doctors in the “red” zones of covid hospitals, and provided psychological support. In total, more than 4.8 million people received help from volunteers.

Following the results of the action, #WEARETOGETHER clubs were formed in the regions of Russia, which include volunteers, representatives of NPO, businesses, as well as caring citizens.


Zainab Gazimagomedova, Youth Media Center Sector