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Mufti of Dagestan Republic Ahmad-Haji Abdulaev visited DSMU



Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan Ahmad-Haji Abdulaev visited Dagestan State Medical University on October 1.

First, mufti Akhmad-Haji Abdullayev, rector of DSMU Suleyman Mammaev and Minister for national policy and religious affairs of Republic of Dagestan Enrik Muslimov has officially opened a prayer room located on the territory of educational and laboratory building at Imam Shamil street.

The guests accompanied by the rector visited the Scientific and educational innovation center of the University. Suleyman Mammayev noted that the University’s departments are mainly concentrated here which are advanced in practical training of students.

After visiting the center the event was continued by a “round table” with the participation of representatives of Muftiate , the Ministry of national policy and religious affairs and representatives of DSMU. Opening the round table Suleyman Mammayev thanked the mufti for the visit and told about the history of the University the organization of educational work in it.

“You do a lot to preserve peace and friendship in our land. Issues of spiritual and moral education, prevention of terrorism and extremism among young people-these issues apply to both the Muftiate and educational organizations. It is our common task to prepare spiritually healthy, morally rich, highly educated and well – bred youth, “the rector said.

S. Mammayev also touched upon the issues of interaction between the Muftiate and DSMU. In particular, concerning the work of the City clinical hospital No.3 which belongs to the Muftiate of the Republic. He said: “We have received several letters about possible interaction between the University and the City clinical hospital No. 3. “ I consider it possible to place some of our departments such as therapeutic, surgical, neurological and others on the basis of this hospital. Our best specialists will work here, teach classes for students and advise hospital doctors on the most difficult and severe cases. I would also like to thank you for your help in the fight against the spread of a new coronavirus infection,” said the rector of DSMU.

In turn mufti Akhmad-Haji Abdulayev said that he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw at the University. “I can only thank God for giving this University a leader in your person. It is felt that the University is developing. I am sure that what I have seen is only a small part of what is being done at the University. Opening these prayer rooms is also very important. You create all conditions for professional and spiritual development for your students and employees. Thank you very much for this.

“A person should be healthy in mind and body. The soul of a person is treated by alims-theologians. But if a person’s soul is healthy and his body is sick he cannot exist and benefit his fellow citizens. Therefore, unlike other universities we consider you to be part of the Muftiate, ” – the mufti said.

Enrik Muslimov, Minister of national policy and religious affairs, stressed that it is very important to pay great attention to the spiritual and moral education of students in addition to the educational process which is done by the leadership of DSMU.

The event ended with the presentation of memorable gifts to Ahmad-Haji Abdulayev and shared photo.