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Online video lecture for students of Andijan Medical Institute (Uzbekistan)



 Whitin the framework of the Russion-Uzbek educational forum, the rector of the Dagestan State Medical University, Suleiman Mammaev signed Cooperation Agreements with the Andijan State Medical Institute on October 18, 2018.

As part of the above agreements, the head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Marat Gadzhimuradov on January 14, 2021, conducted an online video lecture and a master class for master and clinical residents of the Andijan State Medical Institute on the topic              «Venereal Diseases».

The event was opened by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the ASMI Abduraim Arzikulov. In parallel, the listeners of the lecture in the auditorium of the State Budgetary Institution RD «Republican Skin and Venereal Diseases Dispensary» in Makhachkala were clinical residents of the department of Skin Diseases of DSMU                  

This format of a lecture and a master class from the audience of the Department of Skin  Diseases of DSMU at the same time and for foreign partners has become traditional in accordance with the agreed training programs between the heads of the departments of skin diseases of the partner universities

This format of a lecture and a master class from the audience of the Department of skin Diseases of DSMU at the same time and for foreign partners has become traditional in accordance with the agreed training programs between the heads the head of the departments of skin diseases of partner universities

The coordination took place during the departure of the head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Marat Gadzhimuradov on December 3-5, 2018 at ASMI. The departments work in this format on a regular basis.