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Opening of a monument to medical workers who died in the fight against COVID-19, with the participation of the Acting Head of the Republic of Dagestan



On Thursday, December 24, on the territory of the Dagestan State Medical University, the Acting Head of Dagestan Sergey Melikov opened a monument to medical workers who died in the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). The Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia Artem Tarasenko, Rector of the DSMU Suleiman Mammaev, Head of the Infectious Department of the Republican Center for Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control of AIDS         Zarema Tagirova took part in the opening of the monument.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Khizri Shikhsaidov; Acting First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Anatoly Karibov; Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Tatyana Belyaeva  chief doctors of medical institutions teachers and volunteer students of the DSMU.

The event began with a poem about the feat of doctors in the fight against COVID-19 “We recognize by the expression of the eyes”, which was read by a student of the Medical University Aida Vystropova: 


“Today’s opening of the monument in honor of the fallen doctors is a significant event. Doctors treat all patients equally seriously mentally and attentively. I experienced it myself. They continue to fulfill their duty today. Today, there is also a risk to the health and life of the population. New Year’s holidays are approaching everyone will celebrate them in their own way. Except those in robes and respirators will be at the combat post. Therefore, I bow low to those who gave their lives for you and me and wishes for health well-being patience and the ability to professionally fulfill their duty to people, “said the head of the region thanking the leadership of DSMU, the Ministry of Health of Dagestan and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for to honor today the memory of the untimely departed doctors.

In turn, Artem Tarasenko read out a welcoming address from the Minister of  Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko: “Opening this monument, we pay tribute to our colleagues, doctors who courageously performed their duty. The construction of the monument on the territory of the medical university is very symbolic – it has a great educational value for the training of the young generation of doctors because it is here that all the best moral principles are formed. I would like to hope that this monument will always remind young people of what a doctor should be instilling in them a sense of patriotism and selflessness, ”the greeting says.

Suleiman Mammaev noted in his speech that doctors, nurses, orderlies stood up to fight the new coronavirus fulfilling their professional duty. “The monument to medical workers at the site of the Dagestan State Medical University has certain content. This is, first of all, the fact that many doctors who died are graduates of our university. And we must remember them. And students and young doctors should know that having chosen this profession helping patients they need to be aware that there is a risk for their own health. The profession of a doctor is based on philanthropy. In love for a person, in a desire to be ready to help him the greatest power of salvation which helps to work miracles. Regardless of wars or epidemics teams of doctors and nurses work around the clock showing their high professional competencies saving the lives of millions of people. We must constantly remember doctors respect and love them. I want to thank everyone who supported our initiative to erect this monument, ”said the DSMU.

The opening ceremony of the monument ended with the laying of flowers.