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Patents of DSMU employees are presented at the international exhibition-presentation



The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences holds one of the first in Russia international exhibition-presentation of scientific works, inventions, useful models, educational and methodological developments, programs and bases ECM in the format of a virtual online exhibition using a unique online exhibition platform: http://expo-books.ru/

For the first time, the exhibition presents not only books, but also educational and methodological developments, patents, utility models, as well as programs and databases for ECM, for the exposition of which a unique section of the exhibition was created – PATENTS.

In the new format of the exhibition, more than 20 inventions of DSMU employees were presented.

  • ECM program “Register of children with epilepsy in the Republic of Dagestan,” state registration certificate of the ECM program № 2018618696, authors Murachueva F.A., Geibatova L.G. awarded the anniversary award Leonardo Da Vinci Medal (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci) with the certificate of the laureate and the diploma of the XLVI laureate of the international exhibition-presentation of scientific, technical, educational, methodological and literary and artistic publications.
  • “Disinfectant for indoor processing” patent for invention No. 2668377, authors: Aliev A.A., Shapiev B.I., awarded with the anniversary award Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci Medal with the certificate of the laureate and Certificate of a full member of the International League of Intellectuals.
  • “Database of medical technologies introduced into practical medicine in the Republic of Dagestan” state registration certificate of Database No. 2018620550, authors: Guseynova E.Sh., Aliyev A-G.D., Elmurzaeva I.A., Mizina E.N., Aliyev A.A., awarded XLVI participant certificate of the international exhibition-presentation of scientific, technical, educational, methodological and literary and artistic publications.
  • “Method of recycling phosphorus contaminated with sludge” patent for invention No. 2616925, authors: Shapiev B.I., Aliyev Z.M. noted with a diploma of the XLVI Laureate of the international exhibition-presentation of scientific, technical, educational, methodological and literary and artistic publications Series “Fundamental scientific publications.”
  • “Device for cholecystectomy from mini-access” patent for invention No. 2574378, authors: Mejidov R.T., Kurbanismailova R.R. noted by the Certificate of the participant of the XLVI international exhibition-presentation of scientific, technical, educational, methodological and literary and artistic publications.
  • “A method for determining the localization of tumor obstruction of the biliary tract and the degree of its prevalence” patent for invention No. 2706373, authors: Mejidov R.T., Sultanova R.S., Karaev A.K. was noted by the Certificate of a participant in the XLVI international exhibition-presentation of scientific, technical, educational, methodological and literary and artistic publications.

The exhibition is open for 7 months 24 hours a day; the materials of the exhibition are available for familiarization from anywhere in Russia and countries near and far abroad.

The remote nature of the exhibition using a unique exhibition platform made it possible to significantly increase the number of participants and interested specialists. Numerous visitors to the Internet site (over 7,000 visitors each day) got the opportunity to visually get acquainted with all the inventions presented at the exhibition.

Using the capabilities of a virtual exhibition platform has kept the professional community of scientists and teachers active, which is crucial during the pandemic and is a significant information support.

Annotations of publications that took part in the Jubilee International Exhibition-Presentation of Scientific, Technical, Educational and Literary and Artistic Publications (Moscow, September 2020-January 2021) are included in annotated catalogs and will be presented at leading book exhibitions in 2021.

For those wishing to take part and get acquainted with the online exhibition: it continues to work until June 2021 on the website http://expo-books.ru/ Reception of materials until May 20, 2021

DSMU Intellectual Property Department