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Preventive talks about the dangers of drugs continue at DSMU




Another event within the framework of the prevention of drug use took place in a hostel for foreign students of the Dagestan State Medical University.  The conversation with the students was conducted by the head of the outpatient department of the Republican drug dispensary assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology of DSMU Salamat Shamsieva  the head of the drug addiction prevention department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic  of Dagestan Nadezhda Seyfudinova , Ch. specialist of the public security and anti- corruption department of the Makhachkala City Administration Nuriyat  Huseynova  employee of the Education Department under the Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan Omar Abakarov  deputies of the Youth Parliament under the Makhachkala City Assembly Eisha Dzhalayeva and Abdulla Kamilov.

The event was opened and chaired by the vice- rector for public relations and social and educational work of DSMU Elmira Abieva. On behalf of the rector Suleiman Mammaev, she greeted those present and addressing the students noted that the university administration pays special attention to foreign students, their living condition and their safety. «Of course, it is important for you to learn and adapt to a country where people with different customs traditions and laws live. Therefore, guys, it is important for you to know what dangers you can face here what consequences antisocial illegal actions lead to. Our experts will tell you about this today»,- said E.Abiyeva.

Physical and mental consequences of the use of narcotic and psychoactive substances, administrative and criminal liability for the use and sale of drugs on the territory of the Russian Federation, drug trafficking on the internet the role of drug dispensaries in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts- these and many other issues were raised by the guests of the meeting in a conversation with students.

The deputies of the Youth Parliament, in turn told the children about the work that is regularly carried out by their deputies in Makhachkala and throughout the republic, urged students not to believe the promises of big and easy money from drug dealers, which often becomes the impetus for youth to enter the vicious path.

The event was also attended by the assistant to the dean of the medical faculty for work with foreign students Elmira Musinova, specialist of the department for work students of DSMU Arsen Aygumov and others.

The meeting ended with and a joint friendly photo.