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Professor Sultan-Murad Aslanovich Omarov passed away



 Professor of the Dagestan State Medical University Omarov Sultan-Murad Aslanovich passed away on July 7, 2021.

Omarov Sultan-Murad Aslanovich was born on April 4, 1927 in Buynaksk. In 1948 he graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute, then, until 1951, studied in the clinical residency of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He worked as an inspector of the maternity department in Makhachkala from 1951 to 1952. He was employed as head of the gynecological department of the RCH RD from 1952 to 1953. He has been working at the DSMI since 1953, having worked his way from an assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology to the head of the same department (1960-1980), head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of postgraduate education (1980-2006), since 2006 — professor of the department.

He defended his candidate’s thesis in 1959, and in 1966 — his doctoral dissertation. He was awarded the academic title of professor in 1967. Director of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1993. In 1964 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, in 1994 he became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and in 2014 he became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as part of the accession of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Sultan-Murad Aslanovich is a man of great learning and organizational abilities, a talented scientist, an unsurpassed professional with natural intelligence and charm. His medical, scientific and pedagogical activity is an example of dedication to medical science and the best traditions of Soviet and Russian medicine. In the field of gynecology, the scientific interests of the scientist concerned topical issues of oncogynecology, operative gynecology, pathology of the menopausal period. The merit of S-M is invaluable. Aslanovich participated in the creation of the school of obstetricians and gynecologists of Dagestan, which was the impetus for improving the skills of doctors of this specialization.

The priority areas of scientific research of the scientist were the problems of studying anemia during pregnancy. The results of scientific research in various fields of medicine have been summarized in dissertations, monographs, publications both in our country and in the foreign press. Peru S-M. Omarov owns more than 460 scientific papers and 145 monographs, more than 200 candidates and doctors of sciences have been prepared.

For many years of scientific and pedagogical activity, active participation in public life, dedication and dedication to his profession, many years of work experience, Sultan-Murad Aslanovich Omarov was awarded state awards: the titles “Honored Scientist” of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, “People’s Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan”, the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Order of Friendship; as a participant in military events-the jubilee medal in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the medal “For Valiant Labor”, “For Services to the Republic of Dagestan”.

The Rector’s office, the teaching staff and the students of DSMU express their sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Sultan-Murad Aslanovich and grieve with them.