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Public health instructors detachments were created at the Medical College of the DSMU



In the Medical College of the Dagestan State Medical University, according to the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 16.06.2021, detachments of public sanitary instructors were created to carry out preventive measures to protect the health of the population and carry out sanitary and educational activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and promote the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 among the population.

Detachments of sanitary instructors of the college, on a voluntary basis, visit public places with the largest concentration of people, where they conduct educational work: they distribute sanitary bulletins, memos, brochures and other printed materials about the prevention of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, about precautions and hygiene rules for coronavirus, about the role of vaccination in the prevention of COVID-19 coronavirus infection. Also, college students have prepared videos for distribution on social networks.