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Rector examined new equipment installed at the Department of Dental Therapy



Rector of the Dagestan State Medical University, Suleiman Mammayev, examined the premises of the Department of Dental Therapyon 30, November in which the equipment purchased recently was installed. He was accompanied by the vice-rector for public relations and social-educational work of the DSMU Ruslan Shahbanov, the Dentistry Faculty dean Tagir Abakarov, Department of Dental Therapy the head Medzhid Majidov.

      As Tagir Abakarovich said “In total 10 dental units, 20 phantoms and various dental instruments were purchased. Most of which are installed in the premises of the Department of  Dental Therapy on I. Shamilya Avenu  46, two more facilities are located on the basis of  Dental Therapy Department   in the Republican Dental Clinic. In addition, one new facility is also transferred to the Orthopedic Dentistry.Department.

Another dental unit is located in school No. 22 in Makhachkala. This is a school with a biomedical biology, many graduates of which enters to our University. Since last year, the university has concluded agreements with many general education institutions, within the framework of which we organize olympiads and other vocational guidance activities. As for school number 22, here the assistants of the propaedeutic dentistry department  will be able to study the condition of the oral cavity of schoolchildren, conducting preventive work. “

Medzhid Majidov noted, “Now, thanks to Suleiman Nurattinovich, we have received new installations where students can work – to fill teeth, canals, they themselves can evaluate the quality of their work. The new equipment will help us prepare students for the forthcoming accreditation, since after this stage they must go to the polyclinic and must be ready for this, be able to work with patients, “he said.

According to the dean of the Dentistry Faculty ,  Tagir Abakarov, soon the necessary supplies will be delivered, so that students will be able to fully engage in new equipment. It was also noted that these facilities can be used both for teaching students, and for receiving and treating patients.

“The equipment has been purchased, but we still have a lot to do. But the main thing is for the equipment purchased to be used for training and practicing practical skills for students with maximum benefit. It’s not a secret that patients do not want their students to be treated, so out of this situation are dummies and simulators. Therefore, simulation technologies for us – a priority course of training development  and industrial placement, and we will increase them. Now in those schools, where necessary conditions are created for the dental offices development  we are ready to work with our equipment. Department assistants  together with students will conduct preventive examinations of schoolchildren “, – said the rector. – S. Mammaev.

He went around the premises of the department, talked to the students of the 5th year, who had classes. Students demonstrated to the rector and other guests their skills in working with new equipment, the ability to examine the oral cavity of the patient, etc.

DSMU Press Service