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Rector of DSMU Suleiman Mamayev met with students-winners and prize-winners of all-Russian competitions



 Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Suleiman Mamayev met with the winning students and prize – winners of all-Russian competitions Diana Sultanova and Magomed Magomedaliev on December 7, 2018.
At the beginning of the meeting S. Mamayev congratulated the students on their victory and participation in important all-Russian events, noting that the University management in its work focuses on active and creative youth. “We are very proud of your success, and looking at you, I understand that we have taken the right direction, supporting our best young people, our educators.”
The students in their turn thanked the rector and the entire management of the University for their support.
Recall that Diana Sultanova with the project ” Save life “became the winner of the all – Russian contest” Volunteer of Russia 2018 “in the category” Brave heart”, and Magomed Magomedaliev entered the top 10 best students of the Russian Federation at the end of the award ” Student of the year — 2018” in the category”public man of the year”.